
Insurance against road accidents

Transportation accident insurance – protection in case of injury to passengers and the driver in an accident.

A motor vehicle accident insurance contract provides for the payment of insurance indemnity in the event of injury to the insured persons in the car as a result of a road accident.

Depending on the terms and conditions of a particular contract, insurance coverage may apply to the driver or passengers separately, or to all persons who were in the vehicle at the time of the accident (according to the number of seats provided by the vehicle manufacturer).

Driving a vehicle, whether private or public, always involves certain risks. This is confirmed by the statistics of road accidents. The causes of accidents can be completely different. Someone intentionally or unintentionally failed to pass someone, someone failed to notice a road sign in time, someone was distracted for a moment from the road and collided. The consequence of such driving “mistakes” in most cases is the same. An accident that can damage not only vehicles but also injure people, including quite seriously. So is it possible to protect yourself as a driver and your passengers in case of such situations? Yes, it is possible. And it is necessary.

Our company offers to conclude a voluntary transport accident insurance contract, which provides for the payment of insurance indemnity in case of injury as a result of an accident (or illegal actions of third parties) to people who were in the car.

It is worth noting that under the terms of the contract, it may be either insurance of the driver or passengers separately or insurance coverage of absolutely all persons who were in the car at the time of the accident (according to the number of seats specified by the manufacturer).

The sum insured, within which the insured event is paid out in the event of an insured event, may be set separately for each seat (seat-based insurance system) or for the car as a whole – without dividing it into each seat (lump sum insurance system).